Our Professors

Our Professors

2024 Edition

Richard Whish

Richard Whish is Emeritus Professor of Law at King’s College London; in 2014 he was appointed QC Honoris Causa. He was a non-executive director of the Office of Fair Trading in the UK from 2003 to 2009, and a non-executive director of the Singaporean Energy Markets Authority from 2005 to 2011. He is the co-author, with David Bailey, of Competition Law, 8th edition 2015 (OUP), and the author of many other books, articles, case-notes and book reviews on various aspects of international competition law and policy.

Mattia Melloni

Mattia Melloni is one of the four members of the “Conseil de la concurrence” of Luxembourg and in this capacity is responsible of the ECN for this Authority. He is also an associate professor at the University of Nancy, Law School. He started his professional career in London and moved to Brussels later on while working for two leading international law firms in competition and trade matters. He also spent several years at the General Court of the European Union while working as référendaire (law clerk) before joining the “Conseil de la concurrence” of Luxembourg (2012). Mattia Melloni qualified as “avocat” in Brussels (2004). He holds a Ph.D. from the Free University of Brussels, an LL.M. from the University of Minnesota Law School, a D.E.S. from the Institute of European Studies of Brussels and a law degree from the University of Bologna.

Roberto Chieppa

Roberto Chieppa is the President of Chamber in the Consiglio di Stato. He has been Secretary General of the Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri from 2018 to 2022. He has been Secretary General of the Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato from December 2011 until June 2018. Councillor of State since February 2000. Lecturer for university and post -graduate courses on administrative law and antitrust law; co-edited and contributed to legal trade journals, authored over 50 publications in the administrative law sector. Roberto Chieppa collaborated with the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Local Autonomies as a member of the joint Committee on the laws for implementing the special Statute of the Region of Aosta Valley and as an expert on issues concerning the liberalization of public services and the reform of the consolidated law on local entities and issues related to mountainous areas. Member of the regulatory quality and simplification Unit established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Andrea Pezzoli

Andrea Pezzoli is the Vice Secretary General at the Italian Competition Authority. Before, he has been Director General for Competition, where he has worked since 1993 as head of the Investigative Directorate “Food, Pharmaceutical and Transport” and as Chief Economist. Previously he was a senior economist of the Research Department of Istituto Mobiliare Italiano (1981-86) and Head of the Industrial Policy Unit of the Centro Europeo Ricerche (1986-93). He teaches Competition Issues at the University of Tor Vergata and at Luiss University in Rome. Author of several articles in the field of Competition Policy and Industrial Economics. He is the co-author with Lapo Berti of Le stagioni dell’antitrust: dalla tutela della concorrenza alla tutela del consumatore, UBE, 2010. In 2016 he published Originators vs Originators: Competition Before the Market and Market Power Beyond Dominance in G. Muscolo and G. Pitruzzella (eds), Competition and Patent Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector, Wolters Kluwer.

Michele Carpagnano

Michele Carpagnano is a partner in Dentons’ Rome office and the head of the Italian Competition & Antitrust practice, PhD, he holds a teaching position in EU Competition Law at University of Trento. Founder and Co-Director of the Trento Summer School in Advanced EU Competition Law & Economics, he is also the Founder and Co-Director of the Osservatorio Permanente sull’Applicazione delle Regole di Concorrenza. As Attorney he represents national and multinational companies before the Italian Competition Authority as well as the European Commission and he has been involved as a legal expert in several cases and class actions before domestic courts concerning antitrust infringements. Michele Carpagnano advised the European Parliament on the introduction of EU legislation on collective redress. He is author of three books on private antitrust enforcement and several articles on competition law issues.

Marco D’Ostuni

Marco D’Ostuni is a partner based in the Italian offices of Cleary Gottlieb. He focuses mainly on competition law and on regulation in the energy, telecommunications and media sectors. He has represented clients in some of the leading EU and Italian competition law cases, often in liberalized and heavily regulated sectors. He is distinguished as a leading lawyer in Italy in Competition/EU Law by Chambers Europe and Who’s Who Legal, and in TMT: Telecommunications by Chambers Europe and The Legal 500 EMEA. In 2014, he was named “Best Italian Telecommunications Lawyer of the Year” by online magazine Legal Community. He is a member of the Rome and New York Bars. He has widely published on antitrust matters and regularly lectures at numerous conferences and universities.

Jesús Alfaro

Jesús Alfaro has been a Professor of Commercial Law since 1995 and is currently teaching at the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid. He specialises in (i) EC and Spanish competition law (mainly, cartels and abuse of dominant position investigations); (ii) Unfair competition; (iii) Contracts (mainly distribution agreements, termination of manufacturer/distributor relationships); (iv) Consumer law. Additionally, he is also well known as a Corporate law specialist (mainly, internal corporate conflicts, corporate governance and corporate litigation). Consultant at Linklaters since February 2012. As well as his strong practice in commercial and competition law, Jesús has also written books and dozens of articles on problems related to constitutional and private law, general theory of contracts, antitrust law and economic analysis of law, corporate and consumer law.

Francisco Marcos

Francisco Marcos is expert in economic analysis of law, commercial and competition law, he teaches law at IE Business School, having studied as a Fulbright scholar (1994-1995) at UC Berkeley and having enjoyed a scholarship for the Real Colegio di Spagna (1997-1998) in Bologna (Italy). He works as an independent consultant and as short-term consultant for the World Bank-IFC, advising governments, companies and firms on different matters in the area of market regulation and antitrust law. In October 2006 he was appointed General Director of Competition Policy at the Regional Antitrust Authority in Madrid, stepping down from that position on September 2009. He is member of the Editorial Board of the European Business Organization Law Review and of European Company Law. Author of numerous academic works, including two books.

Gwenael Muguet-Poullennec

Gwenael Muguet-Poullennec is a référendaire (law-clerk) at the General Court of the EU. He first worked with Judge Rafael Garcia-Valdecasas, then Judge Sten Frimodt Nielsen and, now, Judge Louise Spangsberg Grønfeldt. As a référendaire for the reporting judge, he actively contributed to cases such as Airtours v. Commission (T 342/99), My Travel v. Commission (T 212/03), Ryanair v. Commission (T 342/07), the cartel between suppliers of prestressing steel (Trame, T 422/10, or Voestalpine, T 418/10, for instance) or, more recently, Google Android (T 604/18, under appeal C 738/22 P).

Paolo Buccirossi

Paolo Buccirossi is the Director and the founder of Lear. Paolo has been working in the field of competition policy since 1994. After five years as economic advisor at the Italian Competition Authority, in 1999 Paolo set up Lear. Paolo has also cooperated with several governments in the implementation of a national competition policy regime and has advised the Dutch and the Czech Competition Authorities on their system of sanctions for breaches of competition law. In addition, he has led several research projects for the European Commission, the OFT, the UK Competition Commission and the Brazilian CADE. Paolo has been Visiting Scholar at George Mason University, New York University and Cambridge University He also teaches Economics of Competition Law at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Paolo has published on several academic journals.


Šarūnas Keserauskas is Partner at law firm Ellex Valiunas and Partnership Professor at Vilniaus Universitetas. From 2011 to 2023, Mr Keserauskas served two consecutive terms as Chairman of the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania. Previously, Mr Keserauskas worked as Senior Legal Adviser at the Office of Fair Trading (UK, 2009-2011) and as Competition Law Adviser at the law firm LAWIN Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiūnas ir partneriai (Lithuania, 1998-2009). Having graduated with a Master of Laws degree from Vilniaus Universitetas (1998), Mr Keserauskas continued his studies at King’s College London in the UK, where he obtained an LLM degree in European Law (2003) and a PhD in law (2010). Mr Keserauskas has been lecturing competition law at Vilniaus Universitetas since 2005. From 2000 to 2005 Mr Keserauskas was a visiting competition law lecturer at Riga Graduate School of Law (Latvia).

Maria Pilar Canedo Arrillaga

Maria Pilar Canedo Arrillaga is member of the board of the Spanish Competition Authority (CNMC). She is Professor of Private International Law and Jean Monnet Chair Holder on Transnational Trade Law. She has directed an “Erasmus Mundus Master in Transnational Trade Law & Finance” and lectures in several Graduate post graduate and PhD Programs at Deusto University. She has also taught, among other institutions, as Invited Professor such as Universidad Carlos III, Madrid; Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid; ESADE, Barcelona; Université Robert Schumann Strasbourg III; University of Strathclyde, Glasgow; Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico; Hamline University, Saint Paul, Minnesota and USF, San Francisco, USA.

Giuseppe Farchione

Giuseppe Farchione is presently co-founder and COO at LexCapital, a technology-based Litigation Funding Italian company; LexCapital is, after its startup phase, focusing on Antitrust cases and private enforcement.
Giuseppe was recently part of RSM Italy, major international audit and consulting firm, from January 2020, until May 2022, as Partner – Head of Restructuring for the Italian market. He has also gained a significant managerial and professional experience, working for over 35 years in Italy and abroad, starting his career in Milan, part of the team of leading investment banking firms.
In the Turnaround segment Giuseppe has been working both for companies in the private and the public sector: the major industrial and/or service sectors he has been involved in are Food, Logistics, Waste Management, Management of Large Sporting and Tourist Facilities, Industrial Chemical, Precision Mechanics, Electronics.
In 2019 he was appointed by the Ministry of Economic Development (now Ministry of Made in Italy) as Extraordinary Commissioner in one of the largest bankcruptcy Italian procedure, Gruppo Mercatone Uno, after a selection of candidates made by a major head hunting firm. He is also Liquidator of Anas Concessioni Autostradali S.p.A.
He his ongoing advisor to major Private Equity Funds since more then 20 years. Statutory Auditor, Independent Director of Listed Companies and of Large Companies, industry leader in their respective markets, with complex corporate governance structures.
Co-founder, shareholder and CEO for over 10 years of a Technology Focused Holding Company, has directly managed investments and divestments in Italy, in the USA and Far-East, frequently co-investing with major Italian and International Venture Capital and Private Equity Funds.
Giuseppe, Qualified Italian CPA and Registered Auditor, is fluent in English and has been active part of Advisory, Business Development and M&A projects in many foreign countries (USA – Silicon Valley, Holland, Germany, Turkey, South Corea, China, Brunei, Brasil and Argentina).

Gabriella Muscolo

Gabriella Muscolo is a partner and the head of the Antitrust Department at Franzosi Dal Negro Setti in Milan and Rome. She is a former Commissioner of the Italian Competition Authority, a former IP and Competition Law Judge at the Court of Rome and a former member of the Enlarged Board of Appeal- EBA of the European Patent Office-EPO. Gabriella is a deputy member of the Board of Appeal Committee- BOAC at the EPO. She is a Fellow of the Centre of European Law at King’s College London and teaches at the postgraduate course on Competition and Innovation at Luiss University . She has lectured in several University in Italy and abroad. Gabriella is a member of the Advisory Board of Concurrences e-Competitions Bulletin Boards and a member of the Board of Trustees of ERA (Academy of European Law) and of the Advisory Board of the ERA Forum (Journal of the Academy of European Law). She publishes in Italian as well as in English in the fields of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, and ha salso published for Concurrences. Gabriella co-edited the volumes “Intellectual Property and Competition Law : a European perspective “The Pharmaceutical Sector Between Patent Law and Competition Law. An International Perspective”, with Giovanni Pitruzzella, “The Interplay Between Competition Law and Intellectual Property : An International Perspective” with Marina Tavassi, and “ After the damages directive:Policy and Practice in the EU Member States and the United Kingdom, with Andrea Biondi e Renato Nazzini. She is a usual speaker at the Trento Antitrust conference and a usual trainer at the Trento Summer School on Advanced EU Competition Law and Economics.

Antonio Papalino

Antonio Papalino is currently a Legal Manager at L’Oréal Group in Italy. In this role, he oversees all legal matters related to the Consumer Product Division, the largest business division in L’Oréal. Antonio spent the initial years of his career in private practice, advising in corporate and commercial issues the companies of the agro-food and mechanical industry Then, he transitioned to in-house roles, and he served as Legal Counsel at the Carrefour, the international distribution company. He possesses a diverse spectrum of expertise encompassing commercial and corporate law, competition law, IT and intellectual property and regulatory (both in food and cosmetic matters) Antonio was educated at the State University of Salerno and he is a graduate in European Studies at European College of Parma.

Valentina Ranno

Valentina Ranno started her career in an international law firm and is currently General Counsel of L’Oréal Italia as well as being the secretary of the board of directors.She is part of the management board of L’Oréal Italia.She is head of internal compliance and also manages Ethics and Human Rights  for the company.She is a member of the board of directors at the Istituto di Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria (Institute for Self-Regulatory Advertising) and she is a member of various Italian advertising and legal legal commissions.She has been in charge of employee education regarding compliance and antitrust at L’Oréal Italia for a number of years.

Jacob Parry

Jacob Parry is the Chief Regulatory Correspondent for the competition policy newswire Policy and Regulatory Report. He is a financial journalist with experience reporting on trade policy in Canada and Europe. He is a graduate of McGill University in Canada. 

Salvatore Nava

Salvatore Nava is a Partner at Lear. He regularly assists clients in antitrust and litigation matters providing expert economic advice. He holds advanced degrees in Economics and Industrial Economics from the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the University of East Anglia respectively. Prior to joining Lear, Salvatore worked for two years for a competition economics consultancy based in London. He also spent four months as an external consultant for a leading UK regulator.
Salvatore has over ten years’ experience in economic consulting. His experience spans proceedings before national and supra-national competition authorities, including cases of anti-competitive agreements, abuses of dominance and mergers; damages estimation in the context of competition law infringements, IP violations and contractual breaches; research projects on ex post evaluation of antitrust decisions and on digital markets; technical assistance to competition authorities in developing and emerging economies; background studies on state aid. He regularly acts as the party-appointed expert in court proceedings.
Over his consultancy career, Salvatore has worked for, among others, Allianz, Apple, Aspen, Buzzi Unicem, CMA, DG Comp, EBRD, Enel, ENI, Generali, International Paper, Lega Serie A, Mediaset, Moby, Nuovo Imaie, Opel Finance, Poste Italiane, Procter & Gamble, Rekeep, Samsung, SIAE, Trovaprezzi, UBI, Unipol, Vodafone, Wind Tre, World Bank.

Sara Cosimo

Sara Cosimo is a Senior Economist at Compass Lexecon, based in Milan. Before, she worked as an Economist in Compass Lexecon’s Brussels office. She specialises in the application of economic analysis and econometric techniques to the study of competition policy, including the assessment of market definition, the competitive impact of mergers, anticompetitive practices and damages estimations.
Sara has been involved in several high-profile competition cases before the European Commission as well as national competition authorities, such as the UK CMA and the Chilean FNE. In the recent past, she worked on mergers in the retail, telecoms, and transportation sectors. She was part of the team that provided advice to a large tech firm in the context of the UK CMA’s market study into mobile ecosystems. She was also part of the team that advised a large semiconductor manufacturer in connection with an Article 102 TFEU investigation and is currently part of the team involved in damage estimation for a large truck manufacturer in its Italian proceedings.

Roberto Venturini

Roberto Venturini is a Vice President at Compass Lexecon, based in the Brussels office. Roberto’s main area of expertise is civil litigation and damage quantification in Article 101 cases, with a focus on information exchanges. He has contributed to the preparation of economic evidence (economic and econometric analyses, overcharge pass-on analyses) and assisted legal teams in court proceedings in the UK, Spain, Germany, and Israel, among others. He has assisted clients in merger and abuse of dominance cases with the European Commission and National Competition Authorities. His work experience covers a range of industries, including high-end technical equipment, transport (trucks) and the computer industry (printers). Roberto holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, where he conducted research on Competition Policy enforcement, International Trade and Firm Organization. Previously, he obtained an M.Res. from the Toulouse School of Economics and a joint undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Trento and the University of Strasbourg. His research has been published in leading economics journals, including AER and Research Policy.

Luca Campitelli

Luca Campitelli is South Europe & Central-Eastern Europe Compliance Manager at Prysmian, where he is also Global Responsible for the Antitrust Compliance Program. He holds the responsibility of all corporate compliance programs within the Regions, including the direct management of whistleblowing and internal investigations. Previously, he was Compliance Manager and Antitrust Compliance Officer at Ferrari S.p.A., where he held a pivotal role in setting up the Compliance Department from the ground up. From 2019 to 2022 he worked in the Corporate Compliance Department of Pirelli S.p.A., dealing with compliance projects across several jurisdictions, with particular reference to the North America Region (United States and Canada). He graduated in European and International Law from the University of Trento and he began his professional career at Dentons’ offices in Milan. In 2022, he has been awarded by Toplegal as “Rising Star In-House Counsel of the Year”.

Our Professors

Past Editions

Sten Fridmot Nielsen

Sten Fridmot Nielsen has been Judge at the General Court since 17 September 2007 and President of the Sixth Chamber at the General Court since September 2013; graduated in law from Copenhagen University (1988); civil servant in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1988-91); tutor in international and European law at Copenhagen University (1988-91); Embassy Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations in New York (1991-94); civil servant in the Legal Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1994-95); external lecturer at Copenhagen University (1995); Adviser, then Senior Adviser, in the Prime Minister’s Office (1995-98); Minister Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Denmark to the European Union (1998-2001); Special Advisor for legal issues in the Prime Minister’s Office (March 2002 to July 2004); Assistant Secretary of State and Legal Counsel in the Prime Minister’s Office (August 2004 to August 2007).

Ian Stewart Forrester

Ian Stewart Forrester degrees from the University of Glasgow (MA 1965, LLB 1967) (history and English literature, law); master’s degree in civil law from Tulane University of Louisiana (MCL 1969); called to the Scottish Bar (1972) and the New York Bar (1977); appointed Queen’s Counsel (1988); called to the Bar of England and Wales (1996) and the Brussels Bar (1999); practised at the Bar in Edinburgh, Brussels, London and New York; visiting professor (1991) and doctor honoris causa (2009) of the University of Glasgow; Bencher of Middle Temple (2012); arbitrator at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS); author of numerous publications; Judge at the General Court since 7 October 2015.

Giovanni Pitruzzella

Giovanni Pitruzzella born 1959; graduated in law from the University of Palermo (1982); Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Palermo; Professor of Constitutional and Competition Law at LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome; Legal Adviser to the Italian Government (1993-96); Professor of Public Law at the University of Cagliari (1986-97); President of the Commission for application of the special status of the Region of Sicily (1998-2002); Legal Adviser to the Italian Ministry of Health (2008-11); member, then President, of the Commission for proper exercise of the right to strike in essential public services (2006-11); President of the Italian Competition Authority (2011-18); appointed by the President of the Republic, in April 2018, as one of the ten members of the Commission for institutional, economic and social reforms and appointed by the Prime Minister, in June 2018, as a member of the group of experts called upon to propose a project of constitutional reform; author of numerous publications on public, constitutional, administrative and competition law; Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 8 October 2018.

Daniele Calisti

Daniele Calisti joined the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition in 2008, where he first worked in the European Competition Network Unit. As a member of the Private Enforcement Unit, Dr Calisti worked on all the EU policy initiatives on damages actions for breaches of the EU antitrust rules, from the 2008 White Paper to the 2013 proposal for a Directive. A graduate of the School of Law at LUISS University in Rome, Dr Calisti holds an LLM in European Law from King’s College London and a PhD in Public Law and Economics from La Sapienza University in Rome. Prior to joining the European Commission, he also served as an advisor on the implementation of EU law to the Chair of the Committee for Legislation of the Italian Parliament.

Frédéric Jenny

Frédéric Jenny has a Ph.D. in Economics (University Paris II) and a Master’s in Economics (Harvard University). His research areas concern the relationship between structure and performance in European countries, particularly France, antitrust legislation in Europe. He is Chairman of the OECD Competition Committee, Professor at ESSEC Paris Business School and Head of the International Committee of the Review Concurrences.

Ralph Taschke

Ralph Taschke studied law at the Universities of Vienna and Nottingham. He is working for the Federal Competition Authority of Austria since 2014, focusing on cartel enforcement and international relations. Internships at the State Aid department of the Austrian Ministry of Economics and in the Cartel Directorate of EUs Directorate General for Competition round up his experience in competition law. Taschke teaches competition law as a guest lecturer, inter alia at the University (Fachhochschule) Wiener Neustadt and the Trento Summer School on Advanced Competition Law and Economics. Furthermore he is an author of several publications on Austrian and EU competition law matters.

Andrea Minuto Rizzo

Andrea Minuto Rizzo is Head of International Affairs of the Italian Competition Authority. Within the same agency, he has also been Head of Staff to a Commissioner and case handler in the Banking and Financial Services Directorate.
Previously, he worked for Enel and has been Head of the Electricity and Imports Unit of the Public Affairs Department.
He holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from INSEAD and a Master in Economics of Competition and Regulation from the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
He is a frequent speaker at conferences and published in several fields of competition policy.

Anthony Mark Williams

Anthony Mark Williams is a Professor of Law at The University of Melbourne, School of Law. He read law at the University of Bristol and subsequently read for an LLM with Merit and a PhD from King’s College, University of London. He was admitted as a Solicitor in England and practiced law for 5 years before switching to an academic career in 1990. He worked at Hong Kong Polytechnic University until 2014. Professor Williams is also admitted as a Solicitor in England and Wales and Hong Kong. He has published in various leading law journals. Professor Williams has been actively involved in the promotion of competition policy and law in Hong Kong, China and the wider Asian region. He is the founder of the Asian Competition Forum, a non-profit organization with a membership of over 300 that seeks to bring together academics, government officials, lawyers, business and consumer leaders to discuss competition-related issues and to promote research into competition law and policy issues.

Federica Ferrini

Federica Ferrini is VP General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer of Motion Technologies a value center of ITT Inc. Motion Technologies business is focused on the design and production of brake pads, shock absorbers and sealing solutions for the automotive and rail markets. In her role Federica deals with all legal matters concerning the value center she is in charge of on a global basis and a large part of her job is dedicated to compliance and therefore also to competition law matters. Before this role Federica worked in major multinational companies active in the FMCGs sector related in particular to food & beverage and through her career as in-house counsel she has gained a significant experience in European competition law.

Ginevra Bruzzone

Ginevra Bruzzone is Director General for Missions 1 and 4, National Recovery and Resilience Task Force, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
Until November 2022, she was Deputy Director General of Assonime, a private think tank active in corporate law, tax law, competition and regulatory policies. At Assonime, which she joined in December 2000, she was in charge of EU and Italian competition law, consumer protection, IP law and regulation. She was formerly Senior Economist at the Research Department of the Italian Competition Authority, from 1991 to 2000. Ginevra Bruzzone has published extensively in the field of law and economics in national and international publications, and has a significant experience as teacher and lecturer on antitrust issues. She teaches a course on Competition and Consumer Protection in the EU in the Master on European Economic Governance at Luiss University, in Rome. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Italian Authority for Transportation and of the Steering Council of the Italian Section of the International Chamber of Commerce.

Martina Caldana

Martina Caldana is Vice President and Deputy Head of Compass Lexecon’s Milan office. Before, she has worked as Senior Economist in Compass Lexecon’s European Competition Policy practice in Compass Lexecon’s London office. Since joining in 2014, she has been involved in a large number of high profile cases relating to a wide range of competition matters. Ms. Caldana’s analytic focus is on merger analysis. She has advised clients on a variety of merger cases before European and non-European competition authorities, including some of the highest-profile EU and global mergers in recent years. She has particular expertise in financial services and pharmaceuticals, but she has also advised clients from other industries including energy, agrochemical and IT/ Media and Telecommunications. Ms. Caldana is a Visiting Professor at the University of Pavia (Italy) and a frequent speaker at conferences and events on competition law and economics. Ms. Caldana holds a B.A. and an M.Sc. in Economics from Bocconi University, where she specialized in industrial organization and competition policy.

Jakob Rüggeberg

Jakob Rüggeberg studied economics at the Universities of Maastricht, Hamburg and Toulouse and graduated with a master thesis on the economics of private enforcement in 2005, published by the NMa (Dutch Competition Authority) as the best economics thesis of the year in the Netherlands. Jakob earned practical experience working at a leading economics consulting firm and is currently finishing his doctoral thesis in economics at the University of Amsterdam. His PhD research is published in peer-reviewed journals and focuses on the economics of private enforcement and effective mechanisms of compensation.

Paolo Palmigiano

Paolo Palmigiano is the General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer (EMEA) for Sumitomo Electric Industries. Previously he was the Head of Competition Law at Lloyds Banking Group in London, the General Counsel of the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), the regulatory and competition authority in Ireland for telecoms and post. From 2000 to 2009 Paolo headed the Competition and Regulatory team of BT Group plc in London. He is the chairman of the Association of in-House Competition Lawyers, vice-chair of BIAC (the voice of business at the OECD in Paris) and a non-governmental advisor to the Competition and Markets Authority (‘CMA’) in the UK He is also a member of the Competition Appeal Tribunal’s users’ group.

Irene de Angelis

Irene de Angelis Head of Antitrust Affairs for Intesa Sanpaolo, she advises on the full spectrum of EU and Italian competition law and procedures. Qualified lawyer in Italy, she previously spent several years in the private practice and then was legal counsel for the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce in Brussels. She is Vice-President of ICLA Italia – In-house Competition Lawyers’ Association, and member of Antitrustitalia- an association of professionals working in antitrust based in Brussels. She has been nominated amongst the ’30 in their 30s’ Notable Women in Competition 2017.

Luca Leonardo

Luca Leonardo, admitted in Italy (Avvocato), is the Legal Compliance and Antitrust Manager of Italcementi Group, which he joined in 2000. Graduated in law from the University of Messina, he later earned a Master in EU competition Law and international contracts from Bicocca University and an Executive Master MBM (Management of Building Materials) from the MIP School of Management at Politecnico University in Milan. He deals with antitrust, antibribery, corporate criminal liability laws and other compliance matters. He is also responsible for designing and managing corporate compliance programmes, coordinating and supporting subsidiaries to ensure global implementation.

Cristian Bolognini

Cristian Bolognini is Counsel of Philip Morris Italy and member of the EU Competition Law Working Group of Philip Morris International. In the above roles, Cristian is in charge of all legal matters of the local affiliate related to competition law, regulatory and interactions with public authorities, as well as developing and sharing trainings, best practices and relevant materials on competition law for the EU Region. In addition to a significant experience in a top-tier law firm in Rome, Cristian also practiced as in-house counsel in Brazil and Belgium, where he also attended the LLM on European Law and Economic Analysis at the College of Europe.

Julia Suderow

Julia Suderow is Rechtsanwältin and Abogada, based in Bilbao. As a lawyer she advises companies and law firms on competition law issues. She is also specialized on energy issues and international litigation. She previously worked as an associate with the Spanish Law firm Gomez Acebo y Pombo and with the law firm, Dr. Frühbeck Abogados y Economistas in Madrid. She studied Law and History in the University of Hannover Germany. She has an LLM of the University of Hannover and holds a doctorate in Private International Law and EC Competition Law of the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid. She has several publications on Private International Law and Private Enforcement of Competition Law. Julia is the coordinator of the Spanish Team of the Osservatorio Antitrust.

Elin Moen

Elin Moen is Senior IP and Competition Counsel in Schibsted Media Group, responsible for all areas of competition law involving Schibsted Media Group in Norway and abroad. Schibsted Media Group has media and online classifieds operations in 22 countries worldwide. Elin Moen is also appointed a member of the Norwegian Competition Complaints Board. Prior to joining Schibsted in February 2016, she worked as a deputy judge in the Norwegian District Court and practiced competition law and intellectual property litigation at the Norwegian lawfirm BA-HR. Elin Moen graduated in 2006, is a qualified lawyer in Norway and holds an LL.M. degree in competition law from King’s College London.

Marc Realp Campalans

Marc Realp Campalans is the Director-General of the Catalan Competition Authority (ACCO) since July 2016, an independent body aimed to guarantee, improve and promote competition in Catalonia ensuring that the benefits of the competitive functioning of the market extend to society as a whole. Previously he worked as an expert in the regulation of the telecom sector in Europe and Spain. He was strategy advisor on regulation for various public administrations and telecommunications operators and participated in numerous public and private initiatives for the promotion and deployment of broadband in Catalonia and Spain. He also worked on the promotion of more competitive ICT regulation and markets with less barriers to entry. Marc Realp holds a PhD and a Master degree in Telecommunications Engineering from de Polytechnic University of Catalonia, a Master degree in Optoelectronics and Communication Systems from the University of Northumbria at Newcastle and a Program for Management Development from ESADE business school.

Jeremy Fleming-Jones

Jeremy Fleming-Jones is editor and Brussels Bureau Chief, EMEA, PaRR Europe. With a decade of experience covering Brussels legal and political scene, Jeremy is a journalist with roots working as a solicitor in the City of London. Jeremy returned to legal sector journalism at PaRR from EurActiv, where he covered finance, trade and tech regulatory issues at the multilingual on-line news site. After working as a corporate litigator with Travers Smith Braithwaite, Jeremy became City correspondent for the Law Society Gazette. In 2005, he set up European Lawyer magazine’s Brussels bureau, and has covered regulatory and political issues affecting trade and competition freelance for Europolitics, the UK Press Association, Financial Times and Strategic Risk magazine.

Ciro Favia

Ciro Favia, with over 10 years of professional experience in the Energy sector, is currently Head of Italian Antitrust Affairs and Regulatory Support at Enel. Moreover, he is member of some business supervisory bodies and think tanks, such as UPA juridical commission, Confindustria Antitrust Group, International Chamber of Commerce Antitrust and Marketing commission. He was President of the Telemarketing control Committee. He experienced in Spain as Antitrust referent for Viesgo, a Spanish electricity company and managed the M&A processes for the acquisition by Enel of subsidiaries in Eastern Europe (e.g. Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovak Republic, Poland). He graduated in law with honors at Bari University (Italy).

Stefano Trento

Stefano Trento is a Vice President at Compass Lexecon based in Madrid and London. He has more than ten years of experience in the analysis of markets and competition, first as an academic at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics and the UAB, and – since 2011 – as a consultant at Compass Lexecon.
Stefano has assisted legal teams in a large number of Article 102 TFEU cases (including in major cellular standard-essential patent cases), Article 101 TFEU cases (including for several retailers in the litigations against MasterCard and Visa before the UK High Court and the Court of Appeal), and follow-on damages claims (including in relation to the trucks cartel).
His advisory work also covers judicial challenges to regulatory measures (including for British American Tobacco in multiple jurisdictions by estimating the effects of plain packaging on cigarette consumption, and for Hutchison 3G in the context of termination rate appeal at UK Competition Appeal Tribunal), and merger review both at the EU level (Hutchison 3G / O2 Ireland) and at the UK level (BT / EE).

Fabrizio Di Benedetto

Fabrizio Di Benedetto obtained a PhD in EU Law in 2016 at the Università degli Studi di Milano. He’s been working in the field antitrust compliance since 2014. In 2015 he began working for Intesa Sanpaolo Group in the Antitrust Team as senior antitrust adviser. He also advises the Group on State-aid issues. Fabrizio has written several articles on antitrust, State-aid and EU law issues.

Marco Ramondino

Marco Ramondino is a case handler at DG Competition of the European Commission and deals with mergers in basic Industries, manufacturing and agriculture sectors. Since he joined the Commission in 2014, Marco has been involved in several complex mergers in the transport, consumer goods, metals and agrochemical sectors, including most recently Dow/DuPont and Bayer/Monsanto. Prior to joining the European Commission, Mr. Ramondino worked for several years at the Court of Justice and in private practice in Brussels. Mr. Ramondino holds a law degree from the University of Naples, as well as an LLM degree from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Emma Trogen

Emma Trogen is Director of Legal Affairs at Cosmetics Europe, the European trade association representing the European Cosmetics and Personal Care industry. Emma is in charge of all legal matters pertaining to the interpretation of the overall legal and regulatory framework for cosmetics and personal care products. She is also in charge of all questions pertaining to vertical distribution and selective distribution. As the legal counsel of the association, she also oversees all contractual matters and ensures the association’s compliance with legal frameworks such as competition and data protection laws. A qualified attorney, Emma previously worked in the EU and antitrust practices of Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom as well as Swedish firm Vinge in Brussels. In 1998 she attained her law degree from the University of Nantes, France and she has also studied EU law at the Universities of Cardiff (Wales) and Rennes (France).

Lola Conde

Lola Conde, Santander Legal COO Banco Santander
Currently Santander Legal COO, reporting to the Deputy Secretary of the Board and Director of the Legal Department of Banco Santander, Lola has developed her career as a lawyer in fields as diverse as e-business, retail banking, HR, Purchases, Costs, Communication, Corporate Governance, both at a national and international level, managing teams in high-impact projects.
She holds a degree in Spanish and European Community Law from the Universidad CEU, with an Extraordinary Prize, and has completed postgraduate studies at IE, MMBA Deusto and combines her professional activity with activities related to her passion for teaching.
As Santander Legal COO, she has been entrusted by the Senior Management of Asesoría Jurídica with an innovative function within the internal legal services of multinationals in general, and of Santander Group in particular, and which was born inspired by the new corporate strategy and culture. Its mission is to define and develop within the Legal Department, under the tutelage of Senior Management, and as direct support to it, a non-technical-legal but management function, to achieve objectives of improvement of its efficiency and effectiveness, communication actions,
management and dissemination of knowledge, with a focus on the personal and professional development and motivation of people, of the team.
Also, she has been appointed as representative of the In-House Lawyers at the Madrid Bar Association. When Lola is not working, she enjoys spending time with her husband and teenage children.

Damien Levie

Damien Levie: European Commission – Head of Unit – Technology & Security, FDI Screening Damien Levie currently heads the unit “Technology & Security, FDI Screening” in the Directorate General for Trade in the European Commission. The unit manages and develops “Strategic Trade and Investment Controls for Security”, or “S.T.I.C.S.” for the European Commission. Strategic trade controls are controls on exports of dual-use goods and technologies worldwide and export sanctions on Russia and Belarus since Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. Strategic investment controls are controls on foreign investments in the European Union. Damien also leads the focal point on two EU strategic high tech sectors in their international trade dimension: semiconductors, and large civilian aircraft. Damien heads the EU delegation in the “Government/Authorities Meetings on Semiconductors” which is a six-party forum (with the USA, China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan) for government/authorities to discuss global issues in relation to semiconductors. Damien previously headed the EU Trade Policy Evaluation and Transparency Teams. He was a senior EU trade diplomat (Minister Counsellor) in Washington DC from 2014 to 2018, and helped manage the economic relations with the USA under Presidents Obama and Trump. From 2012 to 2014: he was the EU deputy-chief negotiator for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and the USA. Before working fulltime on EU-US trade, he was a senior adviser in the Cabinet of EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht and a member of the Cabinet of Louis Michel, EU Commissioner for external relations with ACP countries and Development Policy. Damien Levie has law degrees from KU Leuven and the University of Chicago Law School and an Economics degree from UC Louvain. He was a lawyer at a major US law firm in Brussels and New York from 1994 to 2001.